Friday, February 13, 2015

The Comeback....

It has been over a year since I have posted to my running blog and a lot has certainly changed in my life. I got pregnant in December of 2013 and had our little sweetheart Carson on September 14th. I had a pretty easy pregnancy...but pretty much used it as an excuse to do absolutely nothing fitness related. I walked a bunch toward the end of the pregnancy, only because I was trying to make myself go into labor!

I was insanely busy with work after she was born until December, which is when I started going to Orange Theory. I really like the work outs, and they charge you if you sign up for a class and don't show which adds some additional accountability. I have missed a class here or there, but have been going pretty consistently 4 mornings a week at 6am. You spend about half of the 1 hour class on the treadmill doing hills and speed work, so I am hoping it will effect my running in a positive way.

For the past few weekends I have thought about getting out for a run, but it just has not happened. I need to get at it sooner or later though because I already have one marathon on my schedule for the favorite the Marine Corps Marathon on October 25th. I signed up last year...knowing I would likely not run, but planed on deferring my registration to 2015 which I did, so I am guaranteed entry.

I also entered the lottery for the NYC Marathon, which happens to be one week after the it will be interesting if I end up getting in.

Hope to get back at it soon. Can't believe that I actually miss those 14+ mile training runs! I might just miss the amount of calories burned and the fact that I can drink a few beers after without feeling guilty.

Here is Carson Olivia...too cute right? 


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