Last night was my first attempt at speedwork. The plan was to do 6 miles total, alternating 1 mile jogging and running at a pace of 8:27. My Nike+ sportband has not been very accurate lately, so I figured the best place to do this run would be on a treadmill.
I joined a local gym a few months ago, just as a back up for days when the weather is not nice and I can't run outside. The membership fee is only $10 a month, which is great.....but the gym and members are pretty ghetto. So ghetto, that I am nervous my car is going to get broken in to while I work out. I guess that is what you get for joining a cheapo gym. The treadmills are pretty nice. They have built in TVs, so I was able to watch 2 episodes of Seinfeld while I ran.
The run was great. It totally kicked my butt, but I really enjoyed the increased difficulty. I thought about scenario's of what would happen if I collapsed on the treadmill....I would most likely get robbed by fellow gym members of my iPhone and fancy water bottle and be left for dead. I guess that motivated me not to give up and die.
Scary thought....I ran 3 miles at a pace of 8:27 (7.1 MPH) alternating with a very slow jog. To quality for Boston, I will need to run the ENTIRE Marine Corps Marathon at a pace of 8:20. Good thing I have 28 weeks to train, because that seems pretty much impossible right now!
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