I have definitely been neglecting my blog. I apologize to all of you readers that wake up and rush to your computers every morning to see if I have posted anything. I simply have nothing to post about…sad but true. Yes, I have been keeping on my schedule and completing all of my runs…but it has literally been raining for two weeks in Fort Lauderdale, so I have been forced to run on the treadmill.
I loved the option of running on the treadmill when we lived in our condo. It was so convenient! Now I have to go home from work, eat, change, drive to the gym, and wait for an available treadmill. My gym is very over crowded, probably because it only costs $10 a month. I get really frustrated when people are on the treadmill and are barley walking or breaking a sweat. Come on…get your $10 worth! And most of all when people are talking on their cell phones. Yes, I can hear your entire conversation, even with my music or TV on and yes you are annoying. I find myself giving people the evil eye until they either get off the treadmill or end their conversation. On a good note…all of the treadmills have TV’s. So I have been able to catch up on all of my favorite real housewives.
Official marathon training begins on Monday! I happen to be off from work…so I have big plans. New running shoes, maybe a trip to Lululemon to get some new gear, and maybe, just maybe a haircut. I am thinking of making a drastic change. Someone please stop me before we have a repeat of the haircut saga of 2007.